Creating community change with targeted Affordable Housing
See how our investors create and improve their local communities through targeted Affordable Housing Investments
Since 2016, The Community Development Fund has made over $250M in high impact investments. We specialize in CRA-eligible investments for Affordable Housing for Low-and-Moderate-Income households, as we believe it is our nation’s most pressing credit need. We offer our investors risk-adjusted returns on a highly liquid and secure investment. All alongside personal executive-level CRA guidance and consulting.
Customize your investment according to your Assessment Area, filtered by census tracts, municipalities, counties, etc.
Investments are specifically and exclusively earmarked to your bank using our
2-step CRA investment process.
Developed and operated exclusively by bankers, our investment strategies and CRA guidance and consulting are backed by a deep knowledge base.
100% of our support goes to those who need it most—Low-and-Moderate-Income (LMI) borrowers and renters, including those in Majority Minority Census Tracts.
One-on-one guidance with our executive level talent, for invaluable insight and advice in regards to your next CRA exam and any planned M&A activity.
Get regular updates on the current status of CRA reform and how it may impact your bank’s next CRA exam.
Our unique 2-pronged approach allows our investors to make high impact investments that not only support your communities, but optimize the CRA examination process.
See how our investors create and improve their local communities through targeted Affordable Housing Investments
Our unique knowledge base and hands-on banking experience allows our investors to have access to executive-level guidance on all things CRA related—from the newest updates on regulation and CRA reform, to insight and advice on CRA exams. Our unparalleled experience is based on customized reviews of thousands of public performance evaluations
Unlike other impact investment funds that scatter investments across a wide portfolio with a breadth of themes, we are bankers who operate and oversee the Community Development Fund with a singular purpose.
We are 100% dedicated to investments supporting LMI borrowers and renters, including those in Majority Minority Census Tracts.
“Even though we are not required to have CRA investments as a small bank, the examiners were impressed with our $1 million investment in the Community Development Fund and your Board seminars.”
“Thank you for your guidance during our recent examination. You helped convince our examiners that we should get credit for community development loans outside of our Assessment Area by documenting that we were satisfactorily meeting credit needs within it. We always felt we deserved that credit but we really needed an outside expert to make our case.”
“Your strategy with the investments worked exactly as you predicted on our exam where we were upgraded from an overall Needs Improvement rating to a Satisfactory one. I expect our LTD ratio to keep improving, so our CRA future looks bright. Thanks for your continued help.”
“Your annual CRA and Fair Lending Seminars to our Board were positively mentioned by our examiners during our recent compliance exam. We look forward to our next one.”
“Our bank made an incredible effort to help our community during the Pandemic, and your advice on how to present our PPP loans and loan modifications to our examiners resulted in an ‘extra credit’ mention of our “Innovative or Flexible Lending Practices.”
“The community development loan and investment rating guidelines from The CRA Handbook were right on target with the EIC’s ratings during our recent exam. Thank you.”
*Note: These testimonials may not be representative of the experience of other investors and are no guarantee of future such results.